Things to consider when purchasing a waterfront home:
1. Condition of Sea Wall: It is important for anyone buying a waterfront property to get a seawall inspection by a structural engineer or a seawall specialist. Inspections should include not only the actual seawall but also settling cracks within the main house, patios and pool as well as dock areas.
2. Type of Waterfront Property: You will notice that there are numerous types of waterfront properties: lakes, canals with direct ocean access, canals with fixed bridges, canals with no ocean access, non-navigable canals, and open waterfront homes, to name a few. Depending on the type of boat you have, you will need to consider fixed bridges (clearance heights), depth of canals, and proximity to bay and or ocean access.
3. Boat Dock: It is important to inspect not only the condition of an existing dock, but also if the type of dock can accommodate your boat. If there is no dock on the property, it may be a good idea to contact the City to see what type of dock they will allow.
4. Davits and/or Boat Lift: Depending on the size of the boat, most boat owners will not keep the vessel inside the water and use davits and/or boat lifts to raise the boat out of the water while not in use. Whichever your choice, make sure to inspect existing davits or make sure the existing seawall can accommodate a boat lift of your choice.
5. Protection from the elements: Open waterfront homes are obviously the most desired type of waterfront property but can also leave your property very exposed to the elements (weather and hurricanes). Canal front properties are said to protect not only your house but boats as well in case of inclement weather. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t purchase an open waterfront home, it means you should consider location when purchasing.
6. Location of home within a canal: Because of the intricate design of canals, some may be comparable to dead-end streets. These canals, depending on currents and wind may accumulate debris and garbage that can become a nuisance. If a property is located at the end of dead-end canal, make sure you ask about accumulation of debris throughout.
7. Insurance Costs: Just keep in mind that property insurance costs will be higher for waterfront homes. Most Lenders require flood and wind (hurricane), in addition to the normal hazard insurance.
There is nothing like owning a waterfront home. To be able to enjoy our beautiful weather as well as the views. Contact me today so that I can send you some waterfront homes on the market!